InfinitePlumbobs (8786277)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (340 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
About Me
Hello Everyone!
Thank you for visiting my page and downloading my custom content.
I've been playing the Sims since it first came out and am still as obsessed as I was on day one. I love our community of cc creators and wanted to also give back, the Sims is lacking in Toddler content so this is why I started my journey creating clothes and accessories for our little sims. Now we have infants in game I am starting to branch out and include them too along with Children.
Follow me to see works in progress, additional content or to request Custom Content!
Instagram: @infiniteplumbobs
Tumblr: @infinite-plumbobs
YouTube: Infinite Plumbobs
Terms of Use
-Please do not reupload my work.
-Please do not claim my work as your own.
-Whilst I mainly do recolours of game meshes, I do occasionally create/frankenmesh, please do not recolour or use my meshes without permission.
-You can share my work on external sites as previews, but it must link back to the TSR page for download.
- If you use my cc please feel free to tag me, I love to see your toddlers in my clothes!
Instagram: @infiniteplumbobs
Tumblr: @infinite-plumbobs
YouTube: Infinite Plumbobs
My Guestbook Show All
SunflowerGirlSimmerOct 02, 2024
I absolutely love your CC for infants and toddlers tysm for making it and sharing it!
LadyVibez90Sep 06, 2023
omg i'm so happy you are back and i hope you're well!!!
EmliysimsJun 26, 2022
Yes I would be interested in downloading the santa hat