pjeff03 (1647259)
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WarrayfinsonApr 12, 2009
Happy Easter to you as well!!
WarrayfinsonFeb 21, 2009
Yeah sure, I'll help you out!First of all if you go to the top where it says "Hi pjeff03!' you'll see that it has 'my TSR' Click on that and it should come up with all these different options. Then, you'll see there is a story option, click on that and you'll be taken to the 'My stories' page. You'll see a tab saying 'Add Story'. Click on it and I think you'll know what to do from there. Just to let you knwo the big box is for the text, and the small on is for the title of the picture, you don't need to fill that in if you don't want to. If you need any other help please let me know!
WarrayfinsonFeb 09, 2009
Hi! Thank you SO MUCH for commenting on my story, I'm so glad you like it! The next part is out if you want to see it! Thanks again