vertigoer (628086)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (38 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations
Valo - Dresses for your Sims
Published Mar 12, 2008
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EisbaerbonzoMar 24, 2008
Kissi seems to be the lost brother/sister of my three cats! It's the same behaviour I've experianced - lying on the keyboard and blocking the mouse. My heart goes to you - you have a 100% cat! Now I leave to lurk in your creations...
SIMcredible!Mar 12, 2008
He has a sweet face Are you sure he was really involved on your neighbor's tomcat fight? He looks like very pacific on this shot Anyway, your naighbor's cat must be guilty, not your sweet cat
SIMcredible!Mar 11, 2008
Thanks for sign my Guestbook! BTW your cat (on avatar) is really cute