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Become a VIP nowAre you getting a lot of "bad" ads?
We want to make TSR a better experience for everyone, including the advertising that you see. In order to do this we need your help in taking down what could best be described as "bad" ads. This could be ads that are sexual, malware or just plain annoying (such as auto audio ads or blinking ads). All these type of ads are supposed to be blocked from showing here on TSR, but sometimes they manage to slip through the filters in place.
How do I report an ad I want removed?
To report a bad ad, please follow the steps below:
- Take a screenshot of the ad
- Mail your screenshot to [email protected]
Why did we not remove the ad you reported?
We may not always share your point of view in regards to what is considered a "bad" ad. Siteskins or full site takeovers for example may take up a lot of space, but they are not what we consider "bad" ads, in fact they are for the most part to be considered a quality ad from a well known brand or advertiser.