Stuart Nobility
Sims 1 — Stuart Nobility by carriep — Includes: Paintings(24)

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Stuart Nobility - Anne Hyde
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Stuart Nobility - Anne Hyde
James II's first wife, Anne was the daughter of Sir Edward Hyde who later became Viscount Clarendon after Charles II's restoration. While Anne managed to marry James before his brother was restored to the throne, Anne died long before James became King, thus she has never been called a Queen. Ironically, though Anne failed to bear a healthy male heir for the House of Stuart, her only surviving children, Mary II and Anne I both ascended to the throne.
Stuart Nobility - Anthony Van Dyke
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Stuart Nobility - Anthony Van Dyke
One of the greatest painters of the Stuart Age, Van Dyck spent his younger years in Holland with another famous painter Peter Rubens. Eventually he was invited to England by Charles I and painted both the King and Queen and the Royal Children.
Stuart Nobility - Arabella Stuart
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Stuart Nobility - Arabella Stuart
Cousin of James I through both James's mother and father and raised in Elizabeth I's court, Arabella spent her life as prisoner. Not allowed to marry the man she loved and the victim of a plot by several dissatisfied English Nobles, Arabella grew into a lonely spinsterhood.
Stuart Nobility - Catherine Sedley
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Stuart Nobility - Catherine Sedley
One of James II's many mistresses while he was Duke of York. Unlike many of his mistresses, Catherine was young and beautiful, and like many of them, of noble birth.
Stuart Nobility - Charles II Mistresses
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Stuart Nobility - Charles II Mistresses
Four of the primary mistresses of Charles II. Nell Gwyn (bottom copper), Countess of Greenwich, Barbara Palmer Duchess of Cleveland (bottom gold), Frances Stuart Duchess of Richmond (top gold), and Frances's successor as Duchess of Richmond, Louise de Keroualle.
Stuart Nobility - Esme Stuart
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Stuart Nobility - Esme Stuart
A relative of James I, Esme became the first of the King's male favorites while James was still King of Scotland only. Esme managed to get created as the first Duke of Lennox before James's advisers managed to oust him from court.
Stuart Nobility - Frances Howard
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Stuart Nobility - Frances Howard
Daughter of the Howard clan, Frances was married to Robert Deveraux, son of the more famous Earl of Essex by the same name. Frances then had an affair with Prince Henry Stuart which ended when she fell in love with the King's Favorite, Robert Carr. After poisoning Carr's secretary in order to marry him, she lost favor at court and ended her life in exile.
Stuart Nobility - General Monck
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Stuart Nobility - General Monck
One of the Puritan regime's most able soldiers, General Monck served with distinction during the Commonwealth Era, until Oliver Cromwell died. Unhappy with the poor rule of Oliver Cromwell's son, the people decided they'd had enough of Puritans and sent General Monck to tell Charles II that his exile was over.
Stuart Nobility - George Villiers
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Stuart Nobility - George Villiers
The first Villiers Duke of Buckingham, George was brought to the attention of James I and due to the growing arrogance of James's previous favorite, George soon became a great peer. Until his death early in the reign of Charles I, George practically ruled England and placed his relatives in many prominent places. Two royal mistresses would be Villiers, replacing the Howards as the royal providers.
Stuart Nobility - Hans Bentinck
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Stuart Nobility - Hans Bentinck
A Dutch friend of William III, Hans Bentinck served his Stadholder during the worst years of William's life and after William had become King of England. Bentinck's wife Anne Villiers was a sister of one of William's mistresses Elizabeth Villiers, nieces of Barbara Villiers another royal mistress.
Stuart Nobility - James of Monmouth
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Stuart Nobility - James of Monmouth
Bastard son of Charles II and one of his many mistresses, James was made Duke of Monmouth through marriage to its heiress. However, being a Duke did little to satisfy James and he spent most of his life hungering for the Throne, even declaring at one point that Charles II had married James's mother. Then when Charles II died, James stopped plotting and raised a rebellion intending to over through his Catholic uncle. The rebellion failed however, and James of Monmouth was executed as a traitor.
Stuart Nobility - John Churchill
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Stuart Nobility - John Churchill
John Churchill is one of the more interesting people in history. Starting as a page to James Stuart, Duke of York, John rose to be one of England's greatest military leaders and one of the wealthiest peers of his age through ability on the battlefield and in the bedroom. John's currently surviving descendants include Prince William, the current heir to the throne through the prince's mother, Princess Diana Spencer.
Stuart Nobility - John Smith
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Stuart Nobility - John Smith
Best known for his exploration and settlement of America and his association with the Princess Pocahontas. Even though like many of the courtiers who served Elizabeth I in her last years, John Smith also served James I after whom he named the Jamestown settlement after. In 1609 he was injured and returned to England and died in his native land.
Stuart Nobility - Jonathon Swift
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Stuart Nobility - Jonathon Swift
Though most of his career took place in the early days of George I and George II, Swift started his writing career as the Stuart Dynasty was coming to an end. One of his most famous novels is Gulliver's Travels which has been made into a TV miniseries.
Stuart Nobility - Joost Van Koopal
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Stuart Nobility - Joost Van Koopal
One of William III's generals against Louis XIV and later served with Marlborough at Ramailles. One of his direct descendants is Camilla Parker-Bowles the second wife of Prince Charles of Wales.
Stuart Nobility - Lord Godolphin
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Stuart Nobility - Lord Godolphin
A good politician, Sidney Godolphin allied himself with the "whig junto" during the reign of Anne I by marrying Henrietta Churchill. But when Sarah Churchill fell, so did Sidney Godolphin
Stuart Nobility - Oliver Cromwell
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Stuart Nobility - Oliver Cromwell
Though not a monarch Oliver Cromwell ruled England from 1649 (when Charles I was executed) until his death in 1660 as Lord Protector of England. Fanatically Puritan in his beliefs, Oliver attempted to stamp out the Catholic religion in Ireland, and other forms of the Protestant religion in England and Scotland. However, once he was dead and his successor proved weak, the English invited Charles II to return and England became Merry again.
Stuart Nobility - Orange Rug
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Stuart Nobility - Orange Rug
When Prince William the Silent of Orange in Dauphine decided to help the Protestant Netherlands gain their freedom, he created a legend. When his descendant, also William of Orange mounted the English throne with his wife and first cousin Mary Stuart, he created another. And you can start your own with this little rug bearing the arms of that Great House.
Stuart Nobility - Princess Henrietta Ann
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Stuart Nobility - Princess Henrietta Ann
Daughter of Charles I and Henrietta Maria, Henrietta Anne grew up as a poor relation of the French court until her brother Charles II was restored to his throne. Then she was sought in marriage by Phillippe of Orleans and reigned for a few short years as Madame of France.
Stuart Nobility - Princess Mary Stuart
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Stuart Nobility - Princess Mary Stuart
The oldest daughter of Charles I and Henrietta Marie, Mary was probably named for her more famous great-grandmother. At the age of 10 with the English civil war about to break out, she was married to William II, the Prince of Orange. Her only child was William III of Orange who married his cousin another Mary Stuart and became King of England.
Stuart Nobility - Queens Favourites
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Stuart Nobility - Queens Favourites
During the reign of Queen Anne I, two women fought for control of the Queen's heart and the ability to influence her. Sarah Churchill (silver) was the first friend and out of her friendship with Anne she and her husband gained the Duchy of Marlborough, the Palace of Blenheim, and a serious amount of money. After her domineering ways lost Anne's heart, Sarah's cousin Abigail Hill became the Queen's First Favorite, though she never gained the honors Sarah did. The moment Anne died, however, Abigail was in exile and Sarah was back at court.
Stuart Nobility - Robert Carr
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Stuart Nobility - Robert Carr
Son of a minor Scottish noble, Robert Carr caught James I's eye when he fell from his horse. Carr managed to elevate himself to Earl of Somerset before his wife's poisonings caught up with him and his own arrogance lost James's favor.
Stuart Nobility - Robert Harley
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Stuart Nobility - Robert Harley
An ally of Abigail Hill's, Robert Harley convinced the "dirty chambermaid" to let him into the Queen's privy apartments until he was named First Minister of England. Then he spurned his friend and walked around unkempt and drunk and lost his power.
Stuart Nobility - Thomas Wentworth
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Stuart Nobility - Thomas Wentworth
A loyal Parliamentarian, Thomas Wentworth fought with the Roundheads against Charles I with Oliver Cromwell and the Puritans.

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There are 11 comments on this article

luckykj12 ∙ Nov 17, 2010

I love it, thank you for your hard work.

rb_500 ∙ Apr 8, 2010

Thanks! These will work great in a royal palace, as a history!

oldmember_aprilland2000 ∙ Feb 12, 2010


spikethebigbad ∙ Dec 27, 2008


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