140 Life Experiences (7-30-09)
Put an x in the ones that apply
[]I had an asthma attack
[]Smoked A Cigarette
[]Smoked A Cigar
[]Smoked Weed
[x] Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex (Because she had like me for a really long, but because w had been best friends, she didn't ask me out)
[x]Drank Alcohol
[]Been In Love
[]Been Dumped
[]Been Fired
[]Been In A Fist Fight
[]Snuck Out Of A Parent's House
Total: 2 (Wow, off to a great start here.)
Level 2:
[x]Had Feelings For Someone Who Didn't Have Them Back
[x]Been Arrested/Seen Someone You Know Get Arrested
[]Made Out With A Stranger (?!?)
[]Gone Out On A Blind Date
[x]Had A Crush On An Older Person
[]Skipped School
[]Slept With A Co-worker
[]Seen Someone/Something Die (I'm emo but not THAT emo)
Total: 3
Level 3:
[x] Been On A Plane
[] Thrown Up From Drinking
[x] Eaten Sushi
[] Been Snowboarding
[] Met Someone you met online offline.
[] Been Mosh Pitting (?)
[x] Taken Pain Killers
[x] Love(d) Someone Who You Can't Have (Movie stars count right?)
[x] Been in a BAD relationship (What is the defintion of bad?)
Total: 5
Level 4:
[x]Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
[x]Made A Snow Angel
[x]Had A Tea Party
[x]Flown A Kite
[]Built A Sand Castle
[x]Gone Puddle Jumping
[x]Played Dress Up
[x]Made A Pile Of Leaves
[x]Gone Sledding
[x]Jumped Into A pile of leaves
[]Cheated While Playing A Game (What kind of game?)
total: 9
Level 5:
[x]Been Lonely
[]Fallen Asleep At Work/School (almost!)
[]Used A Fake/Someone Else's ID
[x]Watched The Sun Set/sun rise
[]Felt An Earthquake
[x]Kissed A Snake
[x]Been Tickled
[]Been Robbed/Vandalized
[]Robbed Someone
[x]Been Misunderstood (Yeah...what teenager hasn't?)
total: 5
Level 6:
[]Pet A Deer
[]Won A Contest
[]Been Suspended
[]Had Detention
[x]Been In A Car/Motorcycle Accident (three times)
[x]Had/Have Braces
[]Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
[x]Had deja vu (Oh, all the time)
[x]Danced in the moonlight (Every night in the summer)
[x]Hate(d) The Way You Look (Pretty much every day)
total: 5
Level 7:
[x]Witnessed A Crime (What's the defintion of crime?)
[]Questioned Your Heart (What heart?)
[]Been obsessed with post-it-notes
[x]Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
[x]Been Lost
[]Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
[x]Swam In The Ocean
[x]Felt Like You Were Dying
[x]Cried Yourself To Sleep (And woken up crying)
total: 6
Level 8:
[]Played Cops And Robbers (Like the game the play in Sims? XD!!!)
[]Recently Colored With Crayons/Colored Pencils/Markers (Used to every day, until I realized I suck as an artist)
[x]Sang Karaoke
[x]Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't (This is a strange question)
[]Made Prank Phone Calls
[x]Laughed until some kind of beverage came out your nose (Yes, and I've had french fries come out my nose as well)
[]Kissed In The Rain (No, but I've kissed THE rain. Does that count?)
[x]Written A Letter To Santa Claus
[x]Been Kissed Under A Mistletoe (By a family member)
total: 5
Level 9:
[x]Watched the sunset with someone you care/cared about (My family, who I actually don't really care about, but did at that time)
[x]Blown Bubbles
[x]Made A Bonfire On The Beach
[]Crashed A Party
[]Have Traveled More Than 3 Days With A Car Full Of People (In a row? No)
[x]Gone Rollerskating/Blading
[x]Had A Wish Come True (Half-way true)
[]Been Humped By A Monkey (WTF?)
[x]Worn Pearls
[]Jumped Off A Bridge
total: 6
Level 10:
[]Screamed something nasty.
[]Swam With Dolphins
[]Got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cube/Popsicle
[]Kissed A Fish
[x]Worn The Opposite gender's Clothes
[]Sat On A Roof Top
[x]Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs
[]Done/ATTEMPTED A One-Handed Cartwheel
[]talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
[x]stayed Up All Night
total: 3
Level 11:
[x]Picked & Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
[x]Climbed A Tree (And got stuck)
[x]Had/Been In A Tree House
[x]Have been/Are scared To Watch Scary Movies alone (Alone? Jeesh, I can't even watch scary movies with a group of people!)
[]Seen a Ghost
[]Have/Had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes or Flip Flops
[]gone streaking
[]Been to/Visited Someone At Jail (Does the police station count?)
[]Played Chicken
[]Been Pushed Into A Pool With All Your Clothes On
total: 4
Level 12:
[]Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger (No. Not even my friends say this.)
[]Broken A Bone
[x]Are/Been Easily Amused (Totally easily amused. Am not sure if that's a good thing)
[x]Caught A Fish
[x]Caught A Butterfly
[x]Laughed So Hard You Cried
[x]Cried So Hard You Laughed
[]Mooned/Flashed Someone
[x]Had someone Moon/Flash You
total: 6
Level 13:
[x]Cheated On A Test (Yeah, but before you think badly of me; it was an art test. And my friend, a straight A student; also cheated)
[x]Forgotten Someone's Name
[]Slept Naked
[]French braided someones hair
[]Gone Skinny dipping In A pool
[x]Been Kicked Out Of Your House. (For two hours. Not too bad. I was eight, so you know, didn't really care.)
[x]Rode A Roller Coaster
[x]Had A Cavity (A cavity? More like ten!)
total: 5
Level 14:
[x]Been Used (What the heck does this mean? What is the definion of 'used'?)
[]Fell Going Up The Stairs
[]Licked A Cat
[x]Bitten Someone
[x]Licked Someone
[]Been shot at with a paint ball/bee bee gun
[]Made out in a field/garden
[]Flattened someones tires
[]Drove in a car until it ran out of gas
[x]Had five dollars or less and bought something.
total: 4
Out of 140 Life Experiences; I've Had 68 (I lead such a boring life.)
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