I gave chibi-Naruto a high five
I gave chibi-Sasuke a high five
I gave Ino a high five
Fran gave me a hug
I met Zack (twice XD!)
I met Yuna (twixe XD!)
I saw three Tifa's
I saw Yuki Cross
I saw Rikku
I saw five Axel's
I saw three Soras
I saw three Rikus
I saw one Kairi
I took a picture of Sephiroth
I saw about ten Itatchis
Three people took pictures of me
I gave Kiki a high five
I saw three Roxas'
I had a five minute conversation with Reno
I saw two other Renos
I saw Yuffie
I was hugged by L
I saw like like eight other Ls
I posed for a bunch of pictures with Cloud
I saw like five Kakashi-senseis
I saw I sexy no-jistu Naruto
I didn't take the gold from Noh Face, but I did "talk" with him...it ;p
I was the only Paine
........................XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I went to an Anime Convention for Halloween. WOW! It was fun <3 <3 <3 XDDDDDD!!!!