How do you request things?
I want to request a few things, and I don't know how to request the things I would like to request. There are a few things, but I don't know if I have to got to someone and ask, or do I just put my request in a blog, because I am not too sure how this works. I had an account before this, but I did not request anything.
There are a few clothes and some objects, and foods I would like to request, so please if anyone would do this for me, it would be much appricitated. I love playing the Sims, and cannot get The Sims 3, but I have most of The Sims 2 Expansion Packs. I would love to have The Sims 3 because I can get more things, and recolor things myself.
So please if anyone knows can you just drop me a comment here, and tell me what I am surposed to do. Thank you to anyone who helps.
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