Selop2's Blog
Dark Valley
Dark Valley is the first story I'm submitting to the TSR. I wrote it almost a year ago for a friend and, when my sister gave me The Sims 3 Supernatural I decided I had to make the characters (I really like Moonlightfalls). Anyway, my computer wasn't good enought to make the story with my sims so I had to wait to buy a new computer to submit the story.
From now, I'll probably spend more time to make the chapters, cause I'm doing my exams now and I've to translate the story from spanish. It's a hard work for me, but I'll try to be as fast as I can. I have to rewrite some chapters too because of the PG 13, and that's no easy. I'm also thinking about other stories... maybe a sequel for this one, maybe another different.
I hope you liked Chapter 4, Chapter 5 will be soon submitted, enjoy! :D
What the...?
I've seen my profile is not showing all the chapters I've submited. I hope I can fix it during this weak... for now you have to look my story in the community section if you want to read it. I have already published four chapters, and I'm working hard on chapter five. Hope you like it! ^^