A few of todays fixes
Today a bug with the profile pages that prevent your content to be browsable there has been fixed. However, having the content viewable there also requires our statistics to be updated, and this is something currently running. So if you still can't see your content on your profile page, rest assure that it will show up there very soon.
Today we have also changed so that the "Featured Items" pod that some of you might have added to your profile page by default list you latest creations if you not yet have featured any. If you want to pick what to show there instead, you should find the "Admin" link when viewing your own creations. Clicking it will give you the option to "Feature on Minisite".
We are also currently working on a lot of other things, both bug fixing, missing features, and completely new features. Thanks for your patience, and stay tuned for new updates.
We have also added avatar images to comments and guestbook entries to make them more personal. Wait for the pages cache to clear in case you don't see them yet.
Some minor fixes include the ability to click on a profile/minisite banner to return to their index page. Hovering the members country flag will also display what country it is. Stay tuned for more fixes! :)