frau_Muller's Blog
Glad you appreciate my creations...
It's a pleasure for me to see, that my published houses are of big interest for many members on TSR...Thanks for everyone who posted a feedback and downloaded my houses... so that they've brought once again 40,000 incentive points ;)
My new banner
I've finally uploaded a profile Banner on my page. Isn't it pretty? ;) I wonder if someone can guess what city is pictured on that photo...
Thank you!
I was very happy to see my screenshot featured and still more to see tons of lovely comments. I appreciate it so much! :) Thanks to everyone!!!
A new poll
I have a new poll on my page, so you're welcome to participate :)
Another screenshot featured!
My screenshot named "He-e-elp!" was featured and I didn't notice that 'cause I wasn't on-line for so long :)
I'm so glad to see lovely comments on that screenshot! Thanks everyone! :D
My screenshot's featured
Could I imgine a day before, that a nice picture with a lighthouse would make me so proud? :)