Busy Busy Busy!
I'm focusing mostly on my story 'Bridgeport or Bust' at the minute, but I've got a few other little projects on the go!
I'm about half way through a pose set, and I've started making a couple of eyeliners... which are failing. I really don't think my talent lies in creating make up! Even though it's really easy to do, my USB mouse for my laptop broke! So I'm attempting to do it just using the mousepad! It's a nightmare. I'll still upload them when they're done though :P
As soon as I get a chance, I'm going to upload Scarlett, one of the main characters from my story :)
I found some old dresses I was working on a while ago in a random file, so when I'm done with everything else I might re-do those too!
Oh AND I've got exams in a week :( not fun!
~ Isla xoxox
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