Everworld's going to be continued?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!
Yes, it's true. Where as Hushed had thousands of downloadable content to make it look very modern, Everworld had, surprisingly, less than that. After three weeks of non-stop downloading (Lots, objects, clothing, hair, skins, walls ect ect) I have managed to collect all the content from Everworld (by examing every picture from the stories and tracking them all down) and more!!! Although the characters will look a tad different, seeing as how i had to re-create every sim, it will be up and running in no time, in fact i am working on the story as we speak.
After a year, I have come up with many more twists and plots for the story so you will not be disappointed.
I just hope my Everworld fans are still out there o_O
Anywhoooo, the next chapter should be up in a matter of days.
I hope you enjoy it :)