pancakewafflewarrior2's Blog
Part four of The Lady In Yellow has been submitted!
Hi everyone! I'm very sorry for the long, long, wait! I'm back, and i'm working on TLiY again! Thanks for all of the sweet comments you all have given on my previous TLiY stories. Chapter four should be up soon, and please, leave feedback for me. I'd love to hear your ideas and comments!
Part 3 of Lady in Yellow is up! n_n
Omg, guess what, guess what? LIY chapter three is up and ready to read! I can't wait too see your feedback! Make sure to comment and rate! Hope you like it! n_n
Part 3 of LIY coming soon..
so sorry it's taking a while, i've been sick and i can't write very well when i am ill. But i'm feeling better and writing has kicked up again along with screenshots. I am still working on the magical world, i have a problem with attention to detail n_n
WOW, the lady in Yellow has made it into the spotlight! Thanks you guys for rating and giving awesome comments! It wouldn't be in there without you guys! :D I promise part three won't dissapoint!
LIY Chapter two...WOO HOO!!
TLIY chapter two was approved! It's about time, i was waiting forever!! I've been getting good feedback on this series so i'm going to take it as far as i can! You guys are awesome and make sure to share my stories and screenshots so others can see then too! Also, please take a look at my screenshots if you haven't, i spent a lot of time on then. n_n I like to edit things. ANNYWAAAY...You guys are all awesome! STAY COOL WONDER BUNNIES!!
-Is weird like that. (I'll peel you, banana!
For those who just watched teen wolf...MAJOR SPOILS...
HOLY...FISH. WHAT DID MY EYES JUST SEE? This had to be the best episode yet! *Spoilers start here...* It was so sad when Allisons dad helped kill his own wife. Oh my God..I almost cried. Then when Allison rushed into the hospital and she started to yell at her dad...UGHHH it just made my heart explode and i cried! All this crazy stuff happening is making me realise something...the end of Teen Wolf is near. :'( But all good things must come to an end. BUT OH GAWD I DON'T WANT IT TOO! Tell me your thoughts on this weeks episode. Anyone playing Teen wolf the hunt? I know i am! Anyone else thing Allison was really dying when herself shot her?? What was that mess in the punch? Is Allison possesed? WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN NEXT??? Check out mah blog for this type of stuff please! It's really new, but give it a change and follow me! :D
-I'll peel you, banana!
LIY Chapter two!!!
Chapter two of the Lady in Yellow is done at last! I'm waiting for it too be approved. I hope all of you enjoy it. Oh, and if you find that it seems like some parts have been skipped, i'll fix it. Sometimes when i submit things they come back with parts missing. But i copy and past everything to Word, so i can fix it quick. :D
I haven't slept at all for a day...Still going strong..
MEH! I just can't sleep. Theres too many distractions. n_n I feel pretty epic staying up, and still wide awake. But i know how staying up isn't the best for you, so i'm about to hit the hey. I decided too inform you guys on a couple of things...First, The Sims Story, Lady in Yellow (LIY) chapter one, has been posted. There is another story in the works as well. I'll be getting pictures for the LIY chapter two while writing for the up and coming book. For those who read LIY, did you like it? Give me some feedback, i've got nothing on the actual story page. Hopefully some will greet me in the morning. Oh, and if you see typos and stuff, ignore them. n_n"""....If you've looked at my snapshots you'll see that i've got intermisson pics up! For what? For the LIY show of course! :D I'm super excited! I have to wait for filiming because i'm going to need the next EP, and thats why i'm starting another story while working on LIY. We do need voices. Information on that will be posted soon. All you have to do is read Eliza's, Fawn's, or Mom's words on cam or just voice. You Can get the lines from the story, any lines will be accepted. Where to send this will be posted soon, as we are still figuring out some things. n_n" Anyway, thanks for reading this blog. I hope you like my stuff, and if you don't i'll get better, so don't give up on meh!
Hello my Wonder bunnies! :3
Hey, hows it goin. :I ANNNYWAY, please check out my story, The Lady in Yellow, chapter one. It's not half bad. I promise the next chapter will be a ton better. This was just a taste. I new sim for you to download is coming up, i worked hard on it! I hope everyone likes it. n_n Anyway, i'm off to the movies to see the new batman flick! Laaaaaaterrrr gaaatteeerrrss!!!