powergirl6193's Blog
Keep me warm
Hello, I'd like to thank everyone for reading and commenting on my storie! If you'd like I can get the second part out today, just say so and i might be nice enough to let you see it ;)
Not leaving TSR!
Hi guys,
I cant leave TSR, I've got too many good memories from this place, and my friends. I'll just have to think of other stories that wont get regected! I'm happy to be back and I hope that you accept me back! ILoveYouGuys x
Leaving TSR
Hi guys im leaving TSR all my storie ideas are getting rejected, and its time to move on. I will never forget everyone who ive met through TSR. The downloads, the stories everything I might come and check out some stories and comment once and a while. Sorry about this guys. Jess x
A W O K E N.
Hello my stories keep getting regected :P so ive decided to make a new storie called A W O K E N. I should be out in a week or so. Jess
Scared and alone
Hi guys I probaly posted my mew storie cover a while ago and my laptop broke down so, I probaly wont be getting it published for a while. I am trying to get it up but my sims games are all crappy and they are crashing all the time. sorry.