Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to all of you. I start the year with good news. My husband rarely uses his laptop and yesterday he suggested me to use his' as well and I thought "well, perhaps I will re-install the Sims 2 on his one". Now and again I miss Sims 2 very much. But then, I had the idea of installing the Sims 3 and the WA. I just thought that I wouldn't mind if it went wrong. Well the install and automatic update went well. It updated untill what I have on my own laptop the version 2.0... (I don't remember the whole number) It was patched untill the version 2.3..... Then on the launcher was a message that I had to update again and it would update from 1.7... to 1.8.... I felt already that I would have to remove it from the pc but then ... oh Wonder... After the update was done, it still was version 2.3.... and working all fine. Now I've got the 'worldtool' (still have to study on the tutorial) and will be able to download worlds created by other creators. Isn't that good news? The next thing that I try is to put all the extra's and downloads from my other laptop and insert it. Even the storytelling and the simmies. Only then, I will dare to update everything on my own laptop as well.
Now isn't that good news?