BoodaMae (1438020)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations
Tanner's Funeral Home
Published Jul 21, 2006
About Me
Hi everyone! Its Sarah here! As you know, I've been working on various stories, but I finally got one published! Its called A Loving Home, and since its my first published story on TSR, it probably won't go long! I love the color purple and I love playing the sims! Writing is one of my past passions, but I still love to do it! I'm addicted to getting new downloads for The Sims, and I do it before I play every time! :O I know, its a bad habit! I have every Sims 2 EP, and I'm kinda addicted to the sims! Well, I'm actually gonna go play now, ttyl! :]
My Guestbook Show All
samcactus101Sep 08, 2008
thanks, it DID work! the concert was great, even if it was just an hour. i expected more people to be there, maybe 20 000 people. it was estimated to be 15,000. so hows your baby sitting service goin?
samcactus101Aug 30, 2008
She DID finally let me go. after a LOT of begging & crying that is..... Even to my dad. It was fun, really awesome! The loud thumping punk music was heart pumping, mind blowing, EXTRAORDINARY!!!!!! She was so pretty, & she even played the drums!! I thought she only played piano & guitar (which she did ) & can u believe it? its already on youtube! just 5 hours after the concert! Since its her first time to Malaysia, its easy to find. Just type 'Avril Lavigne in KL',, if you're a fan...
samcactus101Aug 26, 2008
Ooh, you play hockey huh? as long as you enjoy it... man! I'm desperate to go for that Avril Lavigne concert this Friday!!!!!! I nEEd to go! Why won't my mom let me?? shes giving the lame excuse of ticket prices being too expensive. Meh, i already have $, now just need to convince her to send me to my friend's house so we can go together. Oops sorry, kinda typed everything out, blurted out what came into my mind. man, some things are twisted