Humbaaba (1545670)
About Me
I am a Multimedia Instructor in Fort Wayne, IN and I play The Sims 2 to relax, unwind and have fun.
My Guestbook Show All
Primetime024May 14, 2007
Thank you for your comments left on my Gothic paintings. I am glad you are enjoying them.
HenwenJan 18, 2007
Hi Humbaaba! Thank you so much for that uplifting comment you gave me on my Chiclettina Colored Glass Set. I'm so happy they look nice on your houses and I really appreciate it. Nancy
clcny20Jan 01, 2007
Thank you for your comment on my mesh tie top set for little girls! I appreciate your taking the time to leave me a message, and you downloading! I wish you a happy healthy and safe new year!