Lovelylulu01 (1912898)
About Me
Well I live in the Uk,have quite a few pets and my hobbies are;Horse-riding,flute,saxophone and sims! I am completely addicted and hooked on the Twiligh series and film especially Edward Cullen, Robert Pattinson.
My Guestbook Show All
zodapopJun 11, 2012
Thank you so much for your guestbook entry. Sorry, but I can't upload them right now.
xtinabobinaApr 01, 2009
grr! i just left you a long comment and then my internet decided not to work so now you did not get it! *sigh* okay let me try this again live in the uk? that's awesome! the closest i have been to there is paris! what's it like? also, thanks so much for reading my story~! im so thrilled that you like my writing! also, thanks for saying that i'm talented that makes my day! do you need any help finding cc?? i know of ALOT of sites so just tell me what you need and i could probably help you find it! what do you think you will write about? i hope that i will hear from you soon! thanks for bookmarking me toO! i believe i already bookmarked you but i'll double check (sorry bad memory lol) anyhoot, have a beautiful day!!!!
xtinabobinaMar 31, 2009
hey!!! no please leave me long comments! i love them it gives me something to talk about!..anyhoot let's for stories..i'm new at it myself but what others have told me is write about what you know about, something youre experienced with. i see you like twilight (SO DO I!! still working on the last book lol i dont want it to end!) so maybe you might write about vampires! i had a poll up not too long ago and 16/32 people voted fantasy as their favorite book genre so if you like vampires or pixies lol there's an idea. i love Sex & the city so i wanted to write something funny and romantic too so that's why i chose to write about it. Let's see what else..Oh! i use Corel Paint Shop Pro (free trial) for editing photos. it's free for thirty days but i hope to buy it soon (50.00USD) what i do is take all the screenshots for my story, put them in a folder (like Pictures), upload it on paintshop, edit them, and save them as .jpg's. You upload stories one screen at a time (or at least i do because it never works for me otherwise--you might get lucky though) and so you can upload screens from any location on your computer (so w/e folder you save your screens to, you can retrieve them from) Also, thanks for taking the time to read my story! episode 2 should be out today!! im going to bookmark yoU! would you bookmark me too? if you never need any help or just want to chat i'm here! have a wonderful day! ~xtinabobina. PS. good lucK!