S.Cains (1852405)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations
True Modesty - Furnished
Published Feb 20, 2009
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About Me
I have been busy lately and haven't been able to update.
I am slowly getting prepared for an update and hope that you are ready too.
Please be on the lookout for my new series. "The Ghost Hunters"
It won't be delving straight into the adventures though, I am dealing with the social backgrounds of these characters in the first few chapters before mixing things up a bit, but have faith, this one is a series I am excited about finishing and know that I will.
My Guestbook Show All
chelsearosellaMay 11, 2013
HI!!!!!!!! Sorry :/ but I cant remember whether it came with hair or not. I would take a look but because im so badass I looked at my laptop and it broke down.. I lost everything (DANG MY SEXYNESS)
richie_monster2010Aug 10, 2011
i forgot exactly wear i got that mohawk and you might have even got it by now seeing i havent been on here in months ahha.Anywho the only sites i get things from are here(not like theres anything worth while..) modthesims(which as some tight stuff) and garden of shadows(which is a blog site and when you look at the catagory section it has amazing stuff to download by really talented people)
buttercupstarSep 28, 2009
Hello, im really sorry to ask but i have a problem, i want to package some in game born sims but i am not sure how, i have looked in my body shop but they are not there.. Do you have any ideas? thank you very much