Shannelle (1398659)
About Me
I live in a mining town in Central Queensland, Australia. I am married and have 5 children, 4 of whom are grown up (3 have left home)and 2 are still at home, 1 18yr old boy and 1 13 yr old girl. I have only recently got interested in Sims and I love renovating and decorating houses and then I discovered 'custom content' and now I love downloading that as well. I am finding it very addictive and I have to find a solution to my 'download' folder as it's getting too huge.
My Guestbook Show All
MoMamaFeb 07, 2008
Thanks for your guestbook entry concerning my NK Betty Boop Bedroom. I'm glad you're enjoying it!
TikoMay 10, 2007
Hiya again Shannelle ----- On the tutorial method, are you using the smallest pointer for the LowerTerrain and RaiseTerrain tools? If you're set to medium size, when you click on a ground corner you'll bring down the surrounding area too? ----- If this isn't the problem, do PM me and we can see what's not quite working ..... yet! ----- Andy
TikoMay 09, 2007
Hiya Shannelle ----- Thanks for your lovely comment in my blog. You probably saw we were away last week, and it was so good we stayed on until Monday, so I'm just back at TSR today. On saving tutorials, well they come as PDF files so you can save them anywhere - in My Documents, say, or make your own 'TSR Tutorials' folder in the Sims group (the route is My Documents > EA Games > Sims 2) and store them there. ----- You'll need Acrobat Reader to open the file - it's a free download everywhere. ----- Get back to me if there's more to talk over. Hope you have a great week. Andy