Tirre (85334)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (44 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations
Cavalier King Charles spaniels
Published Oct 24, 2006
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oldmember_LabolinaSmulanSep 08, 2006
hello syster yster!!
jag vill ha alla spel nu...
oldmember_LabolinaSmulanNov 12, 2005
Hej, har du inte lagt upp mitt nattlinne?
// sis
meyerjdSep 19, 2004
Awww ur stuff is so nice (SIMS 2) and I wanna ask somethin. Im from South Africa and Im playin sims from the day it came out. But! I have this dreaaaaaaam to make skins....I dont know how.. I have Photoshop but dont know how to get the skins into Photoshop and back in game again..Dont know how to change it in Photoshop too tho but that Ill learn by practise. hehehe ye Ill try.. But pleaseeeee if u can help me with that technical thingi to get it in and out there please???? Noone wonts to really bother emailing me back but ill try tho....Thanks Daleen at [COLOR=Navy][email protected][/COLOR]