hlvargas (1341511)
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CyclonesueJul 24, 2009
Hello hlvargas The Lagoon lot can be placed in any neighbourhood (as long as Riverview has been installed, then the rock has also been installed too, and that's all that's needed. My version sits in Sunset Valley right now. Hope that helps! Sue
agapi rApr 07, 2009
Hi, thank you for your comment on my picture; I´m glad that you liked it Have a nice day
squeakersApr 07, 2009
Hi, thank you so much for your lovely comment about my screenshots, they are very much appreciated, and all my lots look like that. It takes me quite a bit to get it down and looking the way I want, and as a result, my pc is running slow to due all my CC and attention to detail! LOL Have a wonderful day and happy simming!!!!