jamils01 (403423)
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*Bunny*Nov 29, 2011
Ah, I think I know what must have happened. If you add a re-colour file to your game before you add the mesh it requires, the game produces a default thumbnail but, as you say, if you click on this default thumbnail the real outfit appears. If you want to fix this you can either remove the relevant recolours from your game, load the game, close, re-add the re-colour and re-start the game or use a method I learned from Windkeeper: go to My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2/Thumbnails and delete the file called CASThumbnails. This causes the game to re-generate all your thumbnails and replace the defaults with the correct thumbnails.
*Bunny*Nov 23, 2011
Did you look for the dresses under formal wear? I can't remember how I categorised them.
*Bunny*Nov 22, 2011
Hello. Welcome to TSR. Interested to read that you are having problems getting my dresses which use Ulker's 007 mesh to show up in your game. Do any other outfits which use this mesh work for you? You could try downloading the mesh from Liana Sims, which is where I originally got it, in case the version there is somehow different: http://www.lianasims2.net/preview.php?cat=meshes&id=108 I have been caught out this way before. I used to link there but changed the link to the TSR version for downloaders' convenience. Let me know how you get on.