johnnydepp123 (2229785)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations
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Published Aug 11, 2008
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About Me
I'm a girl and i really like johnny depp and stuff, i also think this little kid is cute, his name is dominic, and basically we like worship him and stuff... because we can (he's my avatar picture, but that was when he was A LOT younger... he was like three in that picture and he's 12 now... oh by the way dominic's full name is dominic scott kay just in case you want to look him up because you have now idea who i'm talking to)
My Guestbook Show All
Catherine8Aug 12, 2008
Thanks for your nice words on my buddha picture have fun)
HordrissAug 08, 2008
Thanks for the comment on the Victorian gown. I'm afraid that the Sweeney Todd hair requires the Open For Business EP to work properly. Sorry about that. I just couldn't find a decent mesh in the basic selection.
keyskeyboardAug 03, 2008
Thanks for commenting on my Dominic shirt...