lipgloss001 (833332)
About Me
im the same person as lipglass, geez, i think! It was for my friend but i use it now and again....
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TuesdaiOct 15, 2006
Umm..I'd really like it if you would stop saying those things to my sister, (koroin) Our life hasn't been so good, our grandparents died and so did our 2 cats and her fish and her brid died, she hasn't been the same since. So she gets kind of mad when people say weird things and werid things happen to her. She is really 17, she just likes to lie alot. So it's not her fult It's really sad, cause she gets julous alot. Well catch ya later
grenondiniSep 24, 2006
Hi realy nice story, i am gonna read the next chapter straight after posting this. Why is koronoin being so nasty? English is not my first language but i try my best and it is realy bad to see people doing this kind of flamming it kind of puts you off of trying to create anything. Anyway I thought that flamming wasn�t allowed in the sims resource. Well never mind her, your story is nice and now i am off to read the next chapter. Congrats
McBealAug 04, 2006
oh boy koroin's bugging you too? don't mind her her first language is english and when i was 9yrs old i spoke both english and italian perfectly. She's just jealous The jennifer dennit stories are very nice and i really enjoyed them, while her stories are impossible to read. How many other people is she bugging? Anyway bye bye