lovethevampqueen (2150479)
About Me
I'm Cleo, the almighty and crazy. I play Sims 2 obsessively at the moment as I have nothing else to do, and I think the babies are just adorable!
I only have nightlife, glamor life stuff and the christmas party installed. I never used pets pets on my PC so I didn't bother installing it on my laptop, and university refuses to work on my laptop.
I suppose you could call me a bit of a nerd as I am very good at web design and I write crummy stories (usually 20000 words before I get bored).
I'm also a HUGE chatterbox -as you can probably tell- but I'll shut up now. ^^
My Guestbook Show All
AleezaJun 09, 2008
Hello Sorry for the late reply, but I just wanted to thank you for your sweet guestbook comment on my clothes. I hope you enjoy them and have a wonderful day, Aleeza
Basic....For SimsMay 31, 2008
Hello - Thank You! I'm glad you like my "Classy Dress Set" for elders. I hope you'll take the time to check out all of our creations here on TSR and at our site. We are continuing to create for Elders because I do feel there is a lack of fashions for them. Thank you again for taking the time to give us feedback on the "Classy" set. Happy Simming!