oldmember_LilCandyCane (808859)
About Me
My name is Nikki. I am 10 years old. I want to be a singer and professional dancer when I grow up.I love the to play The Sims.I can't wait unitl I get the Sims 2.I love to design clothes on the old Sims.I do come to TSR often.Whenever I am on the internet I mostly look at things containing The Sims 2 or Sims.
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ChIkA_LaTiNaNov 29, 2005
OMG grrrrrrl love the sn hit me back
oldmember_LilCandyCaneNov 11, 2004
no i am not in jr.high i am in the 5th grade i live in Chicago
oldmember_MeshileNov 11, 2004
No I don't have S2, but my sister does on the DvD addtion! My Dad is going to buy me S2 since I got an really really really good report card! Are you in Jr.high school? Because mine runs through 5-8th grade. Where do you live? I live in NYC! In the Bronx! ( You can answer these questions in private messager!)