paterdave2 (1385688)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (61 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations
Waterfall set
Published Jun 17, 2011
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (107 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations
Disney christmas painting set
Published Dec 25, 2008
About Me
I hope you like the paintings I have made and I am making now.
From now on I will be making paintings for the sims 3 Hope you like them as much as you did for the sims 2.
Please let me know if you want a paintingset from some special theme. I can always check if I can make one.
If you have any questions please ask.
My Guestbook Show All
francienDec 19, 2011
May your world be filled with warmth and good cheer this Holy season,
and throughout the year! Wish your Christmas be filled with peace and
love. Merry Xmas.
BrandonTRJul 11, 2011
Hey Paterdave You wanted letter F, I made it but I think you didn't see it That link of letter F:
And thank you so much for you like it Take care
SofijaDosenDec 25, 2008
Hello Patherdave! I wish You a Merry Christas and Happy New Year!!!