powergirl6193 (2727997)
About Me
Hi Guys.
I can't leave TSR! I miss it to much and if the stories keep getting rejected then I will just have to use brain power to think of some others.
Well I'm Jess (Jessica in full) Wilcock, yes I did marry Jake, and I have a wonderful daughter Kayla (four weeks). I'm liveing in England for the next two years, but I organily live in America.
I enjoy downloading objects, hair, clothing ect for my sims, but I can never find enough hair for my sims. I enjoy also writting stroies, playing guitar, spending time with my family and playing the sims, I have never played the sims 1, or the sims 3.
Ahh well thats enough of me please read my stoires and my page, untill next time, Jess x
My Latest Updates Show All
Keep me warmWritten Apr 12, 2010
Hello, I'd like to thank everyone for reading and commenting on my storie! If you'd like I can get the second part out today, just say so and i might be nice enough to let you see it ;) ...More
Not leaving TSR!Written Apr 06, 2010
Hi guys, I cant leave TSR, I've got too many good memories from this place, and my friends. I'll just have to think of other stories that wont get regected! I'm happy to be back and I hope that you accept me back! ILoveYouGuys x ...More
Leaving TSRWritten Apr 02, 2010
Hi guys im leaving TSR all my storie ideas are getting rejected, and its time to move on. I will never forget everyone who ive met through TSR. The downloads, the stories everything I might come and check out some stories and comment once and a while. Sorry about this guys. Jess x ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Lexi9024Apr 16, 2010
Welcome. It's amazing, I hope you keep it going strong. You've got my support 120%!
shaml_sim Apr 13, 2010
You're very welcome! And thank you for checking out and commenting on the finale to Someone Special I appreciate your support through the whole series and I'm pleased you enjoyed it Have a wonderful day!!
MangioApr 07, 2010
im glad you dont have to go im glad you changed your decision. cant wait to read another story, keep trying ^^ i know it must be frustrating