sweet69scooter (1250732)
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simsruleokAug 04, 2006
hi havent got logged in for ages been reading the books Flowers in the attic they get better abd better i downloaded the storytelling software friom this site , there is a storytelling mode in the sims sorry im not much help that you save and pass on with the software .i didnt know it was posted as iwas told it wasnt suitable for age gruop i might go back to it many tbhankscb ,wont let me delete mistakes. simsruleok
itscleoJun 03, 2006
Hi there, and thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed my Vampire stories! The actual process of writing and uploading a story is pretty simple, it's coming up with the ideas and making it interesting for other people to read that's the hard part. To write a story, you just click the little book icon on the desktop and that will take you to the story editor. From there you can pick and choose which pictures you want to include, move them up or down in the list, add text, etc. Save frequently. When you are done, click the little upload icon and you will be prompted to give a brief description and list some categories you would like the story to go under. If you are doing a series of stories, you will have to write subsequent chapters from another lot. This is a very brief description, once you play around with it you will see how easy it is. You can buy the vamprocillian from the Matchmaker, it's not that expensive, and if you aren't against using boolprop, you can use it to make your sim a vampire, just type boolprop testingcheatsenabled true in the cheat box, click on your sim, and you should have an option to Make Me A Vampire. Don't forget to type boolprop testingcheatsenabled false to turn it back off again. Hope this helps, if you have any other questions, leave me another note. Thanks again and take care! itscleo