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tisasijaya2's Guestbook

priscillamitJul 22, 2013

Yessssss!!! You're right , its all came from that novel, im just inlove with that,and i made a decision to make the story in english as sims 3 storys ^^

priscillamitApr 28, 2013

trims ya! story kamu jg bagus , tp msh intro yg a moment to remember looking forward to it \:\)

tiffany28Feb 26, 2013

halo \:D orang indonesia ya? dari daerah mana a?? \:D

Bby-LJan 5, 2013

Hi tis..Ty comment na \:o The one who would think like that isn't Rainie, but Gin. \:D GBU too! \:wub\:

Bby-LDec 31, 2012

itu bisa sistemnya yang mark..atau user lain tis.. sistem nya kadang2 aneh \:D

Bby-LDec 31, 2012

Ni lagi kerjain chapter 10..tapi 3 browser gagal upload smua \:\)) kadang bisa kadang nda.. hahaha..puyeng dah.. \:wacko\: Ditunggu chapter 1 nya juga \:D hehehe.. Btw..Happy New Year! \:wub\:

Bby-LDec 29, 2012

hi tis..itu internetnya/browser nya yg eror tis..cb pke browser lain..ak jg gtu kok dari semalem..sampe sebel sendiri \:\)) itu internet ku kyknya yg eror..cb pke mozilla jg nd isa..cb dlu pke browser laen tis..

YukiMeiKyuuketsukiDec 13, 2012

thank you ;3 Now I'm searching for community lots and shoppings for seasons \:D Have a good day P.S I'm fine ;3

Bby-LDec 13, 2012

hehehe..sama2, tis \:D

Bby-LDec 12, 2012

sama..d sni jg paling bnyk pny ku =)) yaah.. \:rolleyes: buat yang baru lg aj dah.. tp klo isa cerita nya ttp lanjutin.. tp pke karakter baru.. \;\) uia..jgn lp save game jgn lp d back up di D.. soalnya kadang2 eror n ilank sendiri.. kyk kmaren2 tiba2 save game ku ilank.. terpaksa pndah lot \:\)) . . tp untungnya house hold nya masih ada..and sims nya udah si save.. untuk amannya save gamenya d copy aj tiap abis save ke D.. \:D

Bby-LDec 12, 2012

Game n Sims nya udah di save belum tis? Kalo udh, pndahin dlu k drive D.. Ntar habis instal smua, masukin saved sims ny a n save game nya.. Untuk lotnya, save jg..caranya lotnya di share, terus ntar di folder export ada file nya..pndahin k drive D jg..ntar beres instal, instal itu sekalian..\:D hehehe..ty..jd maluu.. \:D \:o .. Moga2 bisa yak.. \:wub\:

Bby-LDec 11, 2012

udah cb buat new household, tis? \:confused\: hehehe..dpp tis, kalo ak tau psti ak kasi tau kok.. \:D

Bby-LDec 11, 2012

Hahhaa..sama2.. \:wub\: Hmm..ak nd prnh pke yg edit sims in CAS tis..klo msalkan nd isa, save dlu aj sim nya di CAS,trus create new house hold,baru edit umurnya dari sna.. \:D tp kyknya ad cheat yg bsa set umur dah..lp lagi formatnya gmn..nti ak cb cariin.. \:D

Bby-LDec 10, 2012

pny ku malah udah beres loading langsung mati leptopku \:\)) .. klo stop working, jgn d apa2 in..diemin dlu bbrp mnit.. nnti jg working lg.. tp jangan sampe kluar tulisan error nnya.. klo masih blom bisa alias eror..uninstall yang terakhir di install.. \:D

YukiMeiKyuuketsukiDec 9, 2012

Hi, how are you? I want to ask you, maybe you know where can I download the sims 3 world which can use on the sims seasons?

Bby-LDec 7, 2012

LOL.. Ty..\:o Barusan baca cerita lanjutannya..Baguus..Next Chapter please!.. \:rah\: I hope nothing bad will happen.. \:D Happy Witting, Tis! \:wub\:

YukiMeiKyuuketsukiDec 6, 2012

Okey. I'll remember this :3 It's very nice to meet you n.n

YukiMeiKyuuketsukiDec 6, 2012

Aww, cool ;3 I'm from Lithuania and where are you from? ^^

Bby-LDec 6, 2012

Hahhaha..psen kmn.. \:D cb uploadnya 1 1 tis..kadang2 gtu kok..klo nd isa 3-4..cb 2..klo masih too large, cb 1..klo masih eror jg, cb ganti browser.. \:D cpetan submit yak.. Hehehe.. \:wub\:

YukiMeiKyuuketsukiDec 5, 2012

Thank you for answer \:\) I hope we can be know each other and be a friend \:D BTW my real name is Egle but please call me Mei or Tsukiakar-chan ;3

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