ultimate_simfan (609155)
About Me
Hola! If you have stumbled upon this page then I'm sorry to tell you that there is nothing exciting to find here.
What's that? You still insist on hearing more about me?
Well fine, if you must. I am a college student who stumbled on The Sims much like you stumbled onto this page. By accident. And it was the best accident ever! Then a few years later, The Sims 2 was released and I got my hands on it as soon as I could. I was in 6th grade then and I remember clearly bringing the packaging to school so I could brag to my friends.
Zoom forward several years later and you'll find a slightly older version of that girl in high school and completely excited about The Sims 3. I will admit, there is something about The Sims 2 that brings a little more satisfaction and overall good feeling to me than The Sims 3. I don't know quite what it is but when it comes down to it, my simlish speaking pixels always have a place in my heart, and I have a feeling they will forever.
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chellefleurOct 21, 2006
hey nice profile
oldmember_Roxypoxy101Oct 09, 2004
Hi, I really liked your profile. You can check out mine if you want to.